Thursday, June 6, 2013

My Strange Desires (PART 3)

**NOTICE** Since I have neglected to update in quite some time, I thought that I would do something a little different to shake things up a bit. For the next few posts, I will be hand-drawing all of the cartoon panels. Enjoy! --- (This post is part of a three-part series. You'd probably have a better idea of what's going on if you started at the beginning:

You've probably seen one of these before. Either on some redneck, or a country hick guy, or a country redneck hick guy. Maybe you saw it on a famous old cartoon or a black & white TV sitcom somewhere (what do you watch?). Nevertheless, you've seen one. And the first thing you probably thought was "wow, that is stupid-looking."  "that is easily the most breath-taking thing since sliced... cucumbers!" At least, that's what I thought, and I don't even like cucumbers.

So there it was, staring me in the face from behind the computer screen. I didn't think of how it would look on my head. I didn't think of the possible Peter Pan jokes that would come out of it. I didn't think of ham and cheese sandwiches. All I thought was "I must have it." Surprisingly enough, it wasn't that hard for me to convince my mom that I would rather have a coon hat than the rainbow stovepipe hat I had been nagging her about for the past 17 hours. So we both switched gears and began looking at as many Daniel Boone hats that 2 people could possibly look at for 20 straight minutes. It seemed as though there was as much variety in these hats as there were in the Dr. Seuss hats. Grey ones, brown ones, ones made of real fur, ones made of faux fur, ones with short tails, ones with long tails, and some with 2 tails. I finally came across a hat I liked with a perfect combination of tail length, color, and size, and imploded with joy at the sight of the "your order has been placed" message box appear on-screen.

 I wasn't going to let this hat make it's appearance quietly, so when it arrived in the mail, I immediately threw it on my head and ran outside. I don't even know what I planned to do out there, but I knew that the world had to watch me flaunt my hat's outstanding...ness. I think I ended up playing catch with myself or something, but it didn't matter because all of my 2 neighbors weren't even outside to marvel in my new hat's glory. Despite this, I was still the proud owner of fuzzy head warmth. When it was time for me to go to bed, I hung the hat at the edge of my bed's footboard and dozed off.

When I woke up the next morning, something didn't feel right. I sat up and looked around, but I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. I stepped off my bed onto the floor and immediately jerked my foot back; my carpet was unusually soft. When I glanced down at the floor, I noticed brown and black fur scattered everywhere, and my dad's dog sleeping peacefully. I cannot put what I thought at that moment into words, so here is the most realistic reenactment of the events that took place that I can portray:

That concludes the three-part series. Next post will be in full color!

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